A look inside our english-medium middle classrooms

"Ehara taku toa, i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini!"
My strength is not mine alone but that of many; our
school, home and tamariki are all involved
In the Middle Team at Hora Hora School we endeavour to use real life experiences to learn to observe, participate, build confidence and skills.
Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga, Aotearoa History - especially that of Parawhau Hapū - is at the core of our learning.
Close relationships with whānau are valued, as this connects school with home.
Reading-Pānui, Writing-Tuhituhi and Maths-Pāngarau are woven into contexts that are observable, relevant and interesting.
Integrity, thinking, persistence, responsibility and kindness are the core values we foster as our tamariki mature and move into the senior kura.